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Wednesday Morning ShitStorm - 2006-12-20
Hey out there! - 2006-12-02
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How 'bout some drama? - 2006-09-27
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my fun filled saturday

2002-09-21 - 6:27 p.m.

    so what started out as an only marginally shitty day soon dirgessed into a monumentally shitty day with only more to come. overslept and was 10 minutes late for work. no big deal, i can overcome that. but then came the news. the cali queso queen is feeling worse and the drugs they have her on are really making her sick. i miss her so much and wish i sould be there to feel her chicken soup but she is half way across the country. her friends here are being total shits and only care about their own lives and spreading gossip. she is not here any longer for then to use and abuse so they just call and yell at her and tell her how they are not her friends any longer. i told her to just cut them loose. hard but it's a must. i see these people and they are so selfish it makes me sick. not a one has asked her how she is doing and there she is, 24 and on drugs to send he into premature menopause. it sucks, truely. as much as i could give a shit if i never have a kid, i can only imagine what it is like to be so young and be so sick. god, help her.

    THEN, talked to jk and he tells me how great his date was last night. cool. i am glad he had a good time. he and his ex had their "talk" this morning and she doesn't remember any of the shit she pulled yesterday afternoon. too drunk. but they worked it all out and all is good there. then he drops the bomb that he and his date from last night are going on their 2nd date tonight with another couple to see rev horton heat. excuse me? you mean you are going to see the band that i asked you if you wanted to go to see with ME? WHA???? oh, but wait, it gets better! he ivites me to go along! gee, thanks, i love being the 5th wheel! (i watch that show, i know how it ends!) oh, come on, come with us, you can bring a date! sure, one of my boyfriends is on cructches and will be havign knee surgery next week and the other, we can't actually go out in public because absolutley NO ONE knows we are seeing each other because all our mutual friends would kill us both. nice options i have there.

    now, for the topper! i told the doho i would help her out at the club tonight since it will be standing room only - big whoo deal lots of people. she lets drop (after i agree to help) that my ex, the butthole, who i haven't seen for 2 months since it rips my heart out each and every time i set eyes on him, will probably be there tonight. greeeeaaaaatt! what a way to end my day! but go i must even tho i should probably stay home and hide in the closet. i will be strong and tuff it out. i will drink a few drinks (i am on the 1st beer now) and smoke LOTS of cigs and somehow make it thru. somehow, i will survive this. kb will be there for me to lean on but he can't be too much help. i can do this. i can do this. now i am getting mad. i will probably be such a huge bitch that nobody will even come near me. too bad! i can do this! updates later.....

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