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look at this child!

2004-07-01 - 11:13 a.m.

    i got an email from a friend of mine that i hadn't heard from in over a year.

    actually, she was a roommate for a couple of years a long time ago. like 10 years.

    she saved my life actually.

    she is the roommate that found me passed out on my bedroom floor and took me to the hospital a little over 11 years ago. the day i found out i was diabetic.

    anyway, my guardian angle is now a mother of two. who-da thunk it?

    here is her youngest...

    and i know it's huge picture but you have to actually look at this one.

    she is such a beautiful child! her little boy is too but lord! look at those angelina lips!

    see, so although i hate children on principle? there are exceptions for beauty and kindness.

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