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Wednesday Morning ShitStorm - 2006-12-20
Hey out there! - 2006-12-02
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How 'bout some drama? - 2006-09-27
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hi-dy ho, everybody!

2004-12-13 - 9:47 a.m.

    i am so fighting the snots.

    i bought some pink cords this weekend from the GAP. too cute. i have been wanting pink pants for a long time. i am sure there will be pictures of my big pink corded ass to see from the vegas in a couple of weeks.

    can i give anyone some holiday advice?

    if you live in an apartment, remember it's like a beehive and other people hear everything you do. like slam doors at 4:30 in the morning. and if you go to visit someone at say, 5:30 in the morning, and you are knock-knocking on the door and they don't answer right away? they are either: a) not home. b) taking a crap and are not about to pinch it off to answer the door c) having sex and are not about to stop the sexing for you or d) not fucking home. trust me. i can fucking hear you knocking on the door of THEIR apartment. i am sure (if they were there) they would hear you too.

    movie: "home at the end of the world" with colin "my feet are the skank" farrell? weird ass shit. but i must say, fabulous actor.

    the TV show "popular"? i know now why it was cancelled. the longer into the season it goes, the dumber it gets. i only have one DVD left. i can't believe i am still watching it.

    um, ok, i will admit it. i watched the "america's next top model" marathon on VH1 on saturday. and when i say i "watched" it. i mean i layed in the bed all day and watched every single episode.

    speaking on VH1, does anyone else think that "sing, sing a song" commercial with all the current artists cut together singing the song is totally cool? i love it.

    one last thing. my friend jason sent me an email this morning to tell me he saw adam brody this weekend. no fair.

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