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i am bad and almost late

2004-07-21 - 10:29 a.m.

    i am a bad, bad girl.

    i got my foley's bill yesterday.

    you remember those 2 pairs of totally excellent shoes i bought a couple of weeks ago?

    they cost $160.

    and i KNEW this. the thing is, i hardly ever really look at the price after i first pick something up. either it's worth the money or not. and i figured the shoes were.

    but still....$160!?!

    so i am punishing myself today and wearing my ugly brown shoes. they are comfortable but not fashionable in any way.

    i feel pretty much like a frump today.

    and i woke up at 7:10am. that's about 20 minutes late. and i had to take a shower because a) i didn't take one last night and 2) i REALLY needed to shave the legs.

    so i did all that AND got dressed AND put on makeup AND got to work at 8:32am.

    i am a badass.

    and that also includes having to park in okla-fucking-homa because they decided to re-blacktop the parking lot i park in and it was closed. it's the closest to my building. they didn't warn us other than an email last week saying "soon" we will be finishing the parking lot shit.

    i know i will not be able to find my car a 5pm.

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