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Wednesday Morning ShitStorm - 2006-12-20
Hey out there! - 2006-12-02
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How 'bout some drama? - 2006-09-27
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2003-06-12 - 9:42 a.m.

    the last 24 hours have been about as good as the last week for asdotcom. yeah, kinda sucky.

    started my period.

    feel like shit.

    sorda in a crappy mood but it seems to come and go.

    that GIRL here at work is being a total bitch and i seem to no longer exsist in her world. this includes email or phoen calls where i ask work related questions about shit that she is in charge of. she is ignoring me and any question i send her way. god, i love jr high.

    digger was supposed to come over last night. supposed to. i talked ot him about 5pm and he was having some problems contacting the mother of this children about dropping them off. that's the last i heard. i went home and watched the 1st 3 eps of "six feet under" (loved it!) by then it was 9:30pm and i had heard nothing and someone did not answer his phone. so i went back over to my parents house.

    then, thunderstorms from hell! electricity went off at 11:03pm. and did not come back on. and for a house full of fucking candles, it took me 20 minutes by phone light to find the ghetto lighter hidden in the pantry. i watched the storm for about 20 minutes while the cats chased each other from one end of the house to the other and the cross-eyed lemer one played with my pony tail liek a cat toy. then i just went to bed.

    and it was still raining when i got up.

    it's still raining.

    and i still have my period.

    can you tell this is not my favorite day?

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